Safe and Secure

Funds are sent and received directly to the recipient’s money Exchange in seconds.

100% Satisfaction

We guarantee total satisfaction or your money back. Our friendly to customer representatives.

Low rates and fees

Constantly checked against competitors better than the banks Constantly checked against

We're fast

Instant cash pickups and fast bank transfers allow you to send money to Afghanistan in no time at all.

London Money Exchange Ltd

 With our reliable courteous and hassle free process we can guarantee that we will give you the best exchange rate in the market. Whether it is to send money for grocery shopping or paying employees London Money Exchange gives you a safe and secure platform to transfer money internationally to friends, families and businesses.We have an excellent international operational network in over 130 countries. We ensure that you get an excellent exchange rate that suits you best. Online or over the phone, we’re here to help with any queries you may have.


Do your friends and family need money fast?

 If you’re looking to send secure funds to Afghanistan and other countries. our fast and trusted option mean that you can help out friends and family with the click of a button. You decide on the amount and well handle the rest as quickly and securely as possible 

How it works?

Choose a Country

Transfers easy via your bank or to a pay at our station face to face. Receive in bank or in pay-out station.

Sign in

We are always open to new ideas when it concerns your money. One time registration to profit from long term benefits.

Transfer money